Annual Wellness

Arcam Wellness Program


ARCAM Wellness Program

In an effort to provide better patient care and relieve provider workload, ARCAM provides each practice with a highly trained Registered Nurse to handle the in-person Annual Wellness Visit experience. The Registered Nurse also assists with charting, coding and billing information for each visit, specific to the providers needs.

Our Annual Wellness Visit includes, but is not limited to:

    • Height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements
    • A comprehensive patient questionnaire (detailed HRA) that reviews and updates:
      • Medical & Family History
      • List of Current Providers, Specialists, or Suppliers
      • Medications & Supplements
      • Information about Psychological and Behavioral Risks
      • Screenings, such as Alcohol, Smoking, Cardiovascular, Obesity, etc.
    • Spirometry and EKG (if applicable)
    • Advanced Care Planning
    • Blood, UTI and Toxicology Labs

Once the Annual Wellness Visit is completed, the designated Registered Nurse will assist the provider in developing a personalized prevention plan for the patient by providing findings from the visit.

    • A list of risk factor and treatment options
    • A screening schedule for appropriate preventative services
    • EKG and spirometry results, if applicable

All labs will be sent out daily and uploaded in the chart once results have been completed